Title: | Mental Health Specialist II - Coos Health & Wellness |
ID: | 1043 |
Location: | Coos Bay, OR |
Department: | Client Services |
Coos Health & Wellness have current openings in their Behavioral Health Department for qualified Mental Health Professionals.
1. Adult Team. Provides support, counseling and education of mental health services to adults. May be assigned to provide supervision and case management for individuals in the County under the Psychiatric Security Review Board.
2. School Based Therapist - TWO POSITIONS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. The School Based position provides mental health services to children in a school setting, following the calendar year with school breaks and summers off. Position pays 83.32% of regular salary to reflect time off, with salary spread out over a 12-month period and with full time health insurance benefits.
3. Brief Crisis Team - Provides much of the focused counseling and therapy services for adults within our organization. Also serves as the intake group for individuals needing specialized interventions from other teams within Coos Health & Wellness. Rotates some time through a walk-in clinic for crisis and one-time interventions. Excellent opportunity to broaden and hone clinical skills for new and developing clinicians.
Must be a qualified mental health professional or eligible; Master's degree in psychology, social work, counseling, or other mental health related field; or Bachelors' Degree in Nursing or Occupational Therapy with license and experience. Must pass a criminal background check per state requirements.
Positions have excellent benefits: Full employer paid PERS (Public Employee Retirement System). Excellent Health Insurance for Employee and Family. Professional development/licensing reimbursement.
Coos County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Visit www.co.coos.or.us under the Human Resources tab for Coos County job application (required) and full job description, or contact Coos County Human Resources at (541) 396-7580. Fax (541) 396-1012.
Job Type: Full-time
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